G.Express Photo Editor is an intuitive editing tool designed for those who want to give a professional, creative flavor to their digital photographs and other images without need to be an expert. Thus, this editor offers you a wide range of high-quality filters and digital effects that are applied in a fast and intuitive way. Besides, it supports the most used image formats, such as JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, or PNG.
To make things easier, the work area has been devised in a way that allows you to have a really big view of the active photograph while having all the available tools at hand. The frames that you can add to your images are always present and ready to be used at the right-hand side of the screen, while most effects and retouching tools are hidden behind the tabs at the top side. There are two ways in which these tools are used - retouching, lighting, and warping utilities are applied using a customizable brush, while filters are quickly applied just by selecting the corresponding icon. By using a brush to add the different effects, you will be able to work selectively on those specific areas of the image that really need it. As for filters, the icons provided show you a preview of what each filter will do to your images, so that you know what to expect. In both cases, anybody can enhance their photographs and make them look much more creative with G.Express Photo Editor.